Creating a Zap in Zapier with magicplan

Learn how to set magicplan Triggers and Actions in Zapier to connect your floor plans with other software.

The magicplan and Zapier integration allows you to automate workflows, saving time and ensuring seamless data transfer between different apps. This guide will walk you through the steps to create a Zap in Zapier that connects with your magicplan project. You will learn how to create a Zap with magicplan as the Trigger or the Action

Learn how to enable the Zapier integration in magicplan here

ℹ️ Note: The Zapier integration is only available for Report, and Estimate subscriptions.

Create a Zap with magicplan as the Trigger 

  1. Once you have completed the steps outlined in our Zapier setup article, you will be taken to your Zapier dashboard. 
  2. Click the orange "+ Create Zap" in the top left corner 
  3. Once on your Zap's page, click the "Trigger" button in the middle of the page
  4. In the pop-up menu select the visible magicplan button or search "magicplan" in the search bar.
  5. Create the Trigger:
    1. You will be prompted to choose from two Events, Projects Exported or Files Generated, that will trigger the Zap in magicplan. (Read about these two Event types below.)
    2. Next, confirm you are in the correct magicplan account and click "Continue". 
    3. Finally, you can choose to test the trigger with one of your project files in magicplan. Click "Continue" after you have connected the project. 
  6. On the Zap's page, click the "Action" button in the middle of the page. You will then be prompted to select the software you would like to connect with magicplan. Read more about setting up Actions in Zapier here
  7. Once you have successfully completed the Action you can proceed to continue or publish your Zap.

magicplan Trigger Events in Zapier 

You can choose between two types of Events for magicplan in Zapier. Below, you'll find an overview of the two variations and the associated data that is retrieved with these Events.

Event: Project Exported

  • This event triggers only once when files have been generated and includes a list of files.
  • If you create an export with different file types (ex. generating a Sketch Export as a PNG, JPG, and SVG at the same time), this will export all the files at once.
  • Learn more about magicplan's export formats here

Event: File Generated

  • This event triggers for every file that has been generated.
  • This Event can be used if you generate a specific file type often (Ex. PDF file)  and need to export this file to another software.
  • Keep in mind this Event does not include exports with multiple file types. 

Data returned by both Events:

  • ID - The project ID for your floor plan in magicplan.
  • Name - The name of your project in magicplan.
  • User_Name - The name of the user who created the project in magicplan.
  • User_Email - The email address of the user mentioned above.
  • Location Latitude - The latitude of the address in magicplan.
  • Location Longitude - The longitude of the address in magicplan.
  • Location Street -The street name of the address in magicplan.
  • Location Street_Number - The street number of the address in magicplan.
  • Location City - The city of the address in magicplan.
  • Location Province - The state/province of the address in magicplan.
  • Location Country - The country of the address in magicplan.
  • Creation_Date - The date the project was created in magicplan.
  • Update_Date - The date associated with the last update for this project.
  • Thumbnail_URL - The project thumbnail visible on the magicplan home screen.
  • Public_URL - This is available if you have shared a URL of the project.
  • Listing - By default, this field will have no value. You can use this field to enter an identifier to link corresponding projects in different systems. This will allow you to create workflows such as this one: A new project is created in magicplan when a deal in a CRM system meets certain criteria. When files are generated in magicplan, they are automatically transferred to the corresponding deal in your CRM.
  • Customer_Info_Name - Customer's name.
  • Customer_Info_Email - Customer's email.
  • Customer_Info_Phone - Customer's phone number.
  • Customer_Info_Street - Customer's street information.
  • Customer_Info_City - Customer's city.
  • Customer_Info_Province - Customer's province/state.
  • Customer_Info_Country - Customer's country.
  • Customer_Info_postalCode - Customer's postal code.
  • Customer_Info_shippingstreet - Customer's shipping street.
  • Customer_Info_shippingprovince - Customer's shipping province/state.
  • Customer_Info_shippingpostalCode - Customer's shipping postal code.
  • Customer_Info_shippingcountry - Customer's shipping country.
  • Customer_Info_shippingphone - Customer's shipping phone number.
  • Customer_Info_shipmentDate - Customer's shipment date.
  • Customer_Info_reference - Customer's reference.
  • Customer_Info_notes - Customer notes.
  • File_List_Name or File_Name - The generated file's name.
  • File_List_Category or File_Category - The generated file's category. Examples include Sketch PDF, Report PDF, Sketch Files, Roll Cut PDF, Statistics, Pictures, or Thumbnail.
  • File_List_Extension or File_Extension - The generated file's extension type.
  • File_List_URL or File_URL - The generated file's URL that will let you download or transfer that file.

Create a Zap with magicplan as the Action 

  1. Once you have completed the steps outlined in our Zapier setup article, you will be taken to your Zapier dashboard. 
  2. Click the orange "+ Create Zap" in the top left corner 
  3. Once on your Zap's page, click the "Trigger" button in the middle of the page. You will then be prompted to select the software you would like to connect with magicplan. Read more about setting up Triggers in Zapier here.
  4. After setting up your Trigger, click the "Action" button in the middle of the Zap's page.
  5. In the pop-up menu select the visible magicplan button or search "magicplan" in the search bar.
  6. Create the Action: 
    1. You will be prompted to choose from two Actions, Find Files or Create New Project, that will trigger an Action in magicplan. (Read about these two Action types below.)
    2. Next, confirm you are in the correct magicplan account and click "Continue".
    3. Fill in all the required fields for the specific Action. Click "Continue" and proceed with testing the Action. 
  7. Once you have successfully tested the Action you can proceed to continue or publish your Zap.

magicplan Actions

You can choose between two types of Actions for magicplan in Zapier. Below, you'll find an overview of the two variations and the associated data that is created with these Action.

Action: Find Files

  • This Action will find files exported for a project.
  • Use this Action if you would like to export photos, reports, or other file types. 
  • You will need to include this step in between your initial Trigger and your final Action. Read more about setting up Triggers and Actions in Zapier here

Data available for the Find Files action:

  • Project ID - The project ID for your floor plan in magicplan.
  • File Category - Select from the following file types: Sketch PDF, Report PDF, Sketch Files, Roll Cut PDF, Statistics Pictures, Thumbnail. Pictures will be the selection if looking for Photos.

Action: Create New Project

  • This Action will create a new magicplan project assigned to a workspace member.
  • You can use this Action to create a new project with specific information based on the Trigger you previously indicated. 

ℹ️ Note: Depending on the software you used for your TRIGGER, you will see different options to populate the following fields.

Data available for the Create New Project action:

Project Info

  • Project Name - Type or select an option for where you want to pull a project name from.
  • User Email Address - Type or select an email address for the magicplan user you want to assign the project to.
  • Project Type - Select from Residential or Commercial.
  • Project Listing Reference - If your TRIGGER is a CRM / project management tool or scheduling system, this will be the Project ID you pull from the CRM.

Project Address

  • Street
  • Street Number
  • Postal Code
  • City
  • Province
  • Country

Customer Info

  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone
  • Street
  • City
  • Province
  • Country
  • Postal Code
  • Reference
  • Notes

What do I do when my Zap template is complete?

During the entire process, you will have the opportunity to test your configuration within Zapier to  confirm whether it works or not. After you've filled in all relevant fields and confirmed the Zap will work, you will have the option to Publish your Zap. Once published, anytime you activate your Trigger, the Zap will be carried out.

Read more about creating Zaps here.