How to Add a Closet to a Room (room within a room)?

Learn how to create a room within a larger room.

Adding a room within a room, often times a closet or small bathroom, can be necessary when mapping out complex floor plans or detailing interior spaces accurately. In this article, we will walk you through the step-by-step process of adding a room within a room.

ℹ️ Note:

  • At this time, you cannot drag and drop a room into an existing room. 
  • Learn how to assemble rooms together to create a complete floor plan here

Follow these instructions to add a room within a room:

  1. Open the magicplan app and tap on your project.
  2. Select the floor and the specific room where you wish to add an additional room. 
  3. Adjust the shape of the existing room, so there's space to add the new room.
    1. Tap the wall that will be adjacent to the new room. Once the wall is highlighted in blue, tap "Add Corner". You will see a circle icon on the wall indicating a new corner. 
    2. Either tap the corner or section of wall and drag it to adjust the shape of the existing room.
    3. Continue to do this until you have made space for the new room.
  4. Once you have made space, tap "+ Insert", tap "+Room" and choose "Filler Room" from the bottom of the pop-up menu.
  5. Drag the blue arrow icon that appears on your floor plan to the open space you have made and release. A room will automatically fill in the space that you made.