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Create and Edit Price Lists with the Price List Manager

Create and manage your Price Lists with this Cloud feature. Streamline your workflow by creating a folder structure and modules.

Price Lists have been a part of magicplan for a long time. Until now, to create and edit a Price List, you needed to download, edit and re-upload an Excel file. While that still works the exact same way it used to, we have now introduced a new Cloud feature as an alternative - the Price List Manager. It enables you to create and manage your Price Lists online in the magicplan Cloud and comes with an easy to use and intuitive user interface. 

You can still edit and create Price Lists by filling in an Excel template. For further instructions read this article. Nevertheless, we recommend using the Price List Manager in the Cloud, following your first initial bulk upload using the the excel Price List Template, to make minor adjustments to your price list on the fly.

For our example below, we are assuming you are creating a small price list from scratch directly in the Cloud. The functions operate the exact same as they would if you already had a price list uploaded in the Cloud and were simply managing specific elements within it.


  1. Access the Price List Manager
  2. Create a new Price List
  3. Add Items to your Price List
  4. Examples for Pricing Models
  5. Organize your Price List with Folders
  6. Toolbar of the Price List Manager
  7. Creating Modules
  8. Publishing your Price List to magicplan
  9. Updating your Price List


Access the Price List Manager

  1. Sign in to the magicplan Cloud.
  2. Select Price Lists in the navigation bar on the left.

An overview of your existing Price Lists is displayed:



Create a new Price List

Click on the blue Create Price List icon. A pop-up window will appear, where you can name your Price list. Also, you have to select the country and the unit for the Price List (Imperial or Metric). This is important because you cannot change the units afterwards. After you have inserted the basic information you can create a blank Price List by clicking on start with a blank price list.


Now, you can start editing your Price List in the Cloud.

price list editor


Fill the Price List

You can add items and folders to your Price List by clicking on the corresponding icons.

Add item

add folder

Folders allow you to group items, e.g. all the items you have for painting can be grouped in a folder called “Painting”. This functionality will be explained in more detail further below. For now, we will focus on the Add item option.

When clicking Add item the following pop-up window appears:add item popup

Now, it is time to specify some details of the item:


  • Position: This field can be used if you want a custom order of your items in your Price List. Otherwise, magicplan will sort the items by the SKU.
  • SKU*: An example of an SKU can be 01.02.0001. The first two digits “01” can be a placeholder for the Category/Folder it belongs to. The following two digits “02” can be used for further differentiation of the items in a Category/Folder. The last four Digits “0001” can be a specific identifier for the items. Make sure each SKU is unique and doesn’t repeat itself in the Price List. 
  • Name*: Enter the name of your item
  • Description: Enter a description of your item if necessary. This will ensure better visibility on your PDF exports.
  • Category: You can assign an item to ten given categories.
  • Folder: You can enter the folder identifier which can be created by adding a folder
  • Image URL: Add a publicly accessible image URL to display an image of your item
  • Pricing Model*: The pricing model defines on which unit the price is based on. You can choose between
    • Item
    • Surface
    • Hour
    • Length
    • Surcharge / Rebate
    • Taxes Volume

Every Pricing Model also gives you the opportunity to add Linkable objects. When you open the dropdown you can see all the objects from the magicplan object library. Simply select the fitting object to which you want to apply the Pricing Model.

Categories marked with an Asterisk (*) are mandatory fields.


Examples for Pricing Models


Let’s look at an example here: If you have an item called “White paint”, you can set the “Pricing model” to “Surface”. Depending on the coverage of each case, can, tube, sheet or tile, magicplan will compute the number of cases, cans, tubes, sheets or tiles you need. In this example, for the item “White paint” we set the “Price per” field to “can”. Now we have to set how much area we can cover with one can of “white paint” in the “Coverage” field. We also have to enter the price of one can into the “Price” field. For this item, we chose 80 m2 for the coverage and $50 for the price of one can. Optionally we can define a percentage of waste for the white paint, for demonstration purposes we will enter 10 in the “waste” column which equals 10% waste. 

The last step is to define which surfaces in your floor plan should be used to calculate the final price for the item “White paint”. For this field, select the surfaces that you want to include in your calculations: Floor, Ceiling, Walls. Also, select if you want to include openings or apply the item only to a partial height of a wall. Alternatively, you can select to apply the item to a custom "Total area". This option is only available when none of the options of "Applies to" are selected. In our example, “White paint” will only be applied to walls. Therefore, we only select "Walls".

Surface pricing model


If you want to add an item such as a “Washbasin”, you can set the “Pricing model” to “Item”. In contrast to the pricing model “Surface”, you only have to fill in the fields “Number of items” and “Price”. In this example, we set the “Number of items” to “1” and the “Price” to “80”.

Item pricing model



An example item for the pricing model “Length” is “Parquet skirting”. In this case, we set the “Price per” attribute to “ft”, as we want to price the skirting of the parquet flooring based on the length we used.

Now you can enter a "Waste" percentage and a "Price". We set the "Price" attribute to $1.80 dollars. The total price will now be calculated on the base of $1.80/ft.

Finally, you have to set which length you want to use for calculation of the length. This happens similar to the pricing model “Surface”. For “parquet skirting”, we select the “Room perimeter” and the “Include Opening”.

length pricing model


Organize your Price Lists with Folders

The magicplan Price List Manager allows you to group your items in different levels of folders, improving the experience of quickly finding and adding items in the Estimator.
To create a new folder click on the Add Folder icon. The following pop-up window appears:

folders popup

Now, add some details:

  • Identifier: Add a unique name for each folder in order to differentiate the Folders if they have the same names. 
  • Name: Enter the name of the folder. This name will be displayed in the app.
  • Parent Folder: You can select a parent folder of this folder. This will enable you to create a smart hierarchy consisting of folders and dependent subfolders.

    Here is an example: You have many different items belonging to the trade “Painting”, such as materials, tools and labor costs. You could now create a folder structure with the parent folder “Painting”, and the corresponding subfolders “Materials”, “Tools” and “Labor”. This hierarchy will help you navigate through your Price List in the magicplan Estimator.


Toolbar of the Price List Manager

Similar to Excel, the Price List Manager offers a toolbar that helps you structure your items and folders.


It gives you the following options:

  • Search for items and folders
  • Add items
  • Add folders
  • Customize displayed columns
  • Select multiple rows
  • Filter
  • View items only
  • View items and folders

Also, when hovering over an item with the mouse, a contextual menu appears:

item toolbar

It gives you the following options:

  • Move item to a folder
  • Move item to a module
  • Edit item
  • Copy item
  • Delete item
  • Add new item below

Creating Modules

Modules are a great way to group specific items that you always use together in a workflow. The use of modules will really accelerate your process of creating estimates with magicplan.

In the menu bar of your Price List, click on Modules.

modules start

Click the blue Create Module button. The following pop-up window appears:

modules popup

Specify some details of the Module:

  • SKU*: It needs to be unique to differentiate between your modules. It behaves the exact same way as the Item SKU, but only for modules.
  • Name*: Add the name of your module. This name will be displayed in the app.
  • Description: You can add a description of your module to give some context.
  • Folder: By assigning modules to Folders, you can define where the module will be visible in the app. The folders available are the ones you have previously created.
  • Category: In the Category section, you can assign the Module to a specific trade available in the drop-down menu.

Categories marked with an Asterisk (*) are mandatory fields.


After you have filled in the fields, click on Create. The newly created module then appears on your screen.

To add items to your module, just drag and drop the previously created items you want to insert from the right side into the module. You can also re-order the items within the module according to your workflow.

In a case where you want to add a certain item as an alternative item in the module e.g. another color of paint, just drag and drop the item onto the one item you want to link it with until “Add alternative item” appears. Now you can let go and the item is applied as an alternative item.

You can remove any added item from your module by clicking the delete icon on the right.



Publishing your Price List to magicplan

To use your Price List for the creation of estimates you need to publish it to the magicplan app. 

To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Price List Editor and click on the Publish button in the top right corner.
  2. Once you click on “Publish”, a pop-up window appears and you can select the Workspace/Team you want to publish to.
  3. After you have successfully published the Price List, it will automatically be applied to the app on your device. If you do not see it, refresh the app by dragging down on the home screen. 
    1. iOS: If using app version 2023.4.0 or older, you will need to update your workspace configuration. You should see a red dot on "My Account" on the bottom bar. Tap "My Account", then "Update Workspace Configuration".

Updating your Price List

You can edit your Price List anytime using the Price List Manager. Just visit the magicplan Cloud, select Price Lists in the navigation bar on the left, choose which Price List you want to work with and click on Edit.

Now, you can make all the changes and additions you need. When you are done and want to apply the changes remember to publish the Price List to magicplan.